Ahoy, mateys! Cap’n Scully be on deck! This lass may not look like much, but she’s a terror on the high seas – because she can turn herself into a fearsome sea monster! Even the hardiest of seamen had best beware the Kiss of the Kraken!

Synopsis: In the golden age of pirating, a sailor finds himself pressed into service aboard a pirate ship captained by the young and enigmatic Matilda Scully. When the ship launches a raid on a merchant vessel, the sailor bears witness to her secret mer-kraken powers!

Tags: transformation, octopus TF, sex, pleasure, lesbian, multiple transformations, pirate lady, magic
Pages: 15 + 1 cover
Written By: Komodo Dave
Artwork By: Bokuman
Release Date: July 2nd, 2024
Issue Link: Kiss of the Kraken
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