Black Magic Woman – Come and Play

An evil spirit decides to amuse itself at the expense of an unwitting group of women by possessing and transforming them in the first issue of Come and Play!

Synopsis: Five bored college students decide to find a place to hang where no one will disturb them. The place they choose is an old house that was the site of witches back in the year 1500. Unfortunately, none of the students realize that the place is inhabited by a sadistic demon. One by one they are picked off and changed so that they demon can play…

Release Date: November 2, 2020

Written By: Transformation Hub

Artwork By: LRC (Sedna Studio)

Tags: transformation, demon, possession TF, corruption, mental tf, mind control, shrinking, shrunken woman, inanimate transformation, toy transformation, dog transformation, magic

Issue Link: Come and Play

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Protestors Become Produce – Humanimal Farm

In Humanimal Farm, the latest title from Transform Fan Comics, five animal rights activists infuriate a powerful witch… and are subjected to ironic (and transformative) punishments as a result!

Synopsis: Farm owner Myranda Hex has no problem with people protesting about animal rights outside her farm. It’s within their rights. She does, however, have a problem with people breaking in, damaging her property, and attacking her employees. Five activists have done just that–and now they’ll see what happens when you piss off a business owner who’s also a witch!

Release Date: June 16th, 2020

Written By: Gen-Awesome

Lineart By: Raffaele Ricciardi

Colors By: Ruben Curto

Tags: transformation, multiple transformations, weight gain, gender bender, breast expansion, udders, cow transformation, chicken transformation, egg laying, lactation, shrinking, shrunken woman, penis transformation, revenge, magic

Issue Link: Humanimal Farm

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A (Literally) Objectified Woman – Tiny Dancer

An aristocrat is cursed to spend centuries as a magical music box’s living decoration in Tiny Dancer, a new fairy tale fantasy from Transform Fan!

Synopsis: In the last days before the French Revolution, careless young courtesan Calandre Marmion, in a rush to attend the ballet, makes a mistake that leaves her cursed. She transforms into a music box dancer, trapped forever inside an ornate music box, able to live only when the box is playing, and then confined only to dancing. The one clue to her cure is a single word. Could that word be a clue to how she will find love?

Release Date: December 16th, 2018

Written by: Mac Rome

Artwork by: Dai (Sedna Studio)

Tags: transformation, inanimate transformation, sex, shrinking, shrunken woman

Issue Link: Tiny Dancer

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  • What did you think about Tiny Dancer? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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From Drawer to Drawing – Toonstruck

The debut issue of Toonstruck, the first title to be simultaneously released between Transform Fan and Shrink Fan, is now ready to download! Grab yourself a copy today and enjoy the wild misadventures of an animator who shrinks to the size of a sketch and gains the powers of a wacky cartoon character!

Synopsis: When an animator’s electronic drawing tablet is struck by lightning, she finds herself shrunk down to the size of one of her drawings!

Release date: July 16th, 2018

Written by: Soylent Orange

Artwork by: Oscar Celestini

Tags: Shrinking, Toon Transformation, Uneven Shrinking, Hourglass Expansion, Crushing

Issue Link: Toonstruck

Download this comic and every other in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to


  • What did you think about Toonstruck? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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