My Favorite Things

Cow horns and udders and nipples that wiggle.

Huge spider asses with cellulite jiggle.

Tentacles slide into everything.

These are a few of my favorite things!

Thick hips on bovines for having more children.

Spiders in hammocks of string that’s so silken.

Slime-covered lips, moans make your ears ring.

These are a few of my favorite things!

Cows in their milk pumps all mooing and happy.

Curled in a web for a warm, snuggled nappy.

Thrusting so hard that you feel quite a sting.

These are a few of my favorite things!

When the boobs drain, when the bum’s flat, when the tendril’s limp... I simply make more of my favorite things, and then I feel... so... pimp!

Story by SoylentOrange
Artwork by Altercomics-Ponce

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