Make Me a Pig

Growing tired of long days of labor, an ordinary farm girl started to envy the animals she catered to. Particularly the pigs. They had such a care free life, just eating and rolling in the mud.

One day she stumbled upon a book of witchcraft hidden in the barn. It was a complete mystery why the book was there, and even how long it had been hidden in the barn, but it did not stop her from looking inside. She opened the book right to a page featuring the description of a transformative ritual. One that was meant to convert someone into a desired animal form. Regardless if this was real or completely fake, she felt it'd be fun to at least give it a try.

So that night she set up for the ritual and focused hard on the form she wanted to take. So tired of being slim and attractive and being held in such high esteem. Deep down, she wanted the opposite. She wanted to be gluttonous and lazy.

After lighting the candles, she looked at herself in the mirror. The visual made herself feel a bit silly. None of this was anything she'd consider normal. Nevertheless she focused on her reflection and stated, "I want to be a pig."

Admitting it out loud gave her goosebumps. She then began to repeat that statement, "I want to be a pig, I want to be a pig..."

A bit of light radiated from the mirror. It was too hard to tell whether it was actually the enchantment at work or simply the reflection of the candles; eager to find out, she continued to chant her deepest desire.

To her surprise, the mirror flashed and orbs of light flew out. They spun around her quickly. It was a magical yet startling sight. Soon some of the orbs flew directly into her, rippling energy through her body. Each one plumping up her body a tad bit, followed by other small changes.

Her ears began to stretch and point out. Her teeth began to change shape. In excitement she let out a small squeal that made her blush. It was actually happening!

In the midst of everything, she hesitated, not knowing if she gave this all enough thought. All of this was done just on a whim, with much doubt that anything would even come of this. It was too late to have second thoughts now, though. She planted both hands firmly on the ground and gazed back at her reflection.

Without breaking eye-contact with herself, she once again began to repeat, "I want to be a pig. I want to be a pig. I want to be a pig."

Story by Tallears
Artwork by Giusy Ianiello

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