Lost in the Woods 9

Lost in the Woods 9
Lost in the Woods 9

Wyana has been rescued from the curse of swine by an unlikely ally - Oberan, the exiled prince of the faerie courts. As Queen Maelyss’ power is growing greater by the day, Wyana is given a sliver of hope to save her friends: she must take up the Sword of Seasons, which can force Maelyss' power from her and onto another. However, the Sword is guarded by an ancient spirit (and a mischievous one at that)! Will Wyana win the blade... or will she forever be lost in the woods?

Tags: transformation, multiple transformations, faery, fey, weight gain, werewolf, pig transformation, TF undone, personality change, mental TF, breast expansion, ass expansion, sentient items, fusion TF, bondage, BDSM, weight loss, lesbian, sex, magic

Released March 16, 2025
15 pages + cover
Story by Giddeon Storm
Artwork by Bokuman
This issue is part of the Lost in the Woods series.

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